Our mission is to connect businesses with their customers in a way that takes the headaches of brand identity and brand presence away from the business owner. With years of experience in enterprise marketing firms, we saw a lack of substantial service offering in the small and medium sized business sectors and wanted to give them the same level of design and innovation big corporations employ to build their brands.

Bovsi Studios started in 2011 in the Tampa Bay / Saint Petersburg area as a web design group and quickly grew to a full service marketing firm. utilizing cutting edge technology and innovative marketing practices, we saw an excellent response from the local market and in 2013 acquired our first large national brand. In 2016, Bovsi was able to expand into international business by building relationships in southeast Asia and Mexico. Our current goal is to expand our client base and continue to innovate our service offerings to provide immersive experiences for brands around the globe.

Bovsi Studios also supports many non profit and humanitarian efforts both around the world and within our local community. Bovsi Studios has partnered with Google CS first to bring technology into the classrooms of young kids, worked with organizations like JustTalkAboutIt to raise suicide awareness, have given back to local community fundraisers, and have support aid relief in devastated areas of the world following Natural Disasters.

Have an amazing cause and need help getting your message out? We definitely want to hear from you. Message us here.or at

Interested in a Career at Bovsi Studios? Reach out to our tech recruiter at:

Interested in an Internship at Bovsi Studios? Reach out to our HR team at:

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Bovsi Studios takes great pride in having every member of our organization on our team. From amazing web developers and graphic designers to out of the box marketing tactic gurus and a competitive advertising team, every single face of Bovsi Studios is what makes our company whole.

Matthew Parks

Founder, CEO

Background in Computer Science, Cryptography, Cyber Security, and Marketing

Denisse Lamas

Co-Founder, COO

Background in Finance, Branding, and Advertising

Bovsi Studios Leadership

Bovsi Studios was started by Matthew Parks and Denisse Lamas. Matthew has a background in technology, web and application development, search engine optimization, cryptography, and network security. Denisse has a background in marketing, advertising, social media strategy, and business finance

Together, the two formed Bovsi Studios in 2011 after years of working in enterprise organizations. They saw a diverse skill set between the two of them and a lack of service offerings in the local market and wanted to fill the gap between enterprise level services and small business. Together, the two grew Bovsi Studios to be a leader in the marketing and advertising space and continue to grow the firm with a much larger team behind them.